As Develop Your Energy moves forward, you will notice our focus on Spiritual Growth, Enlightenment and Health physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We have made the mistake of imitating other similar businesses and as a result have been pulled off course from the real purpose of our practices. We only wish to bring people health, […]
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New Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Qigong Information Available
One of our oldest and best-selling courses on Develop Your Energy is the Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Course . In fact, we have found students who have purchased this course become some of our most diligent and advanced Qigong practitioners. We feel very strongly about the benefits of “Standing Zen” and wish to […]
Structured Healing Water Course Added
The first time I read about this I thought it was crazy. “Boy, you’ve really crossed the line into wackiness.” Can you really create water to heal and energize it? I followed the instructions with skepticism and I stand corrected. There really is something to this and if you think about it, water has been […]
New Chi Kung Clothing!
We’ve had a lot of requests for this and it is helpful on many levels. Not only does the Chi Kung merchandise we’ve set up at CafePress look cool, it also has the benefit of becoming good “Chi Power clothes” as explained by Sifu Dan Ferrera. By regularly wearing the same clothes while you train, […]
Qigong 101 Information
Our Qigong 101 course is the root and foundation of all our courses available. In this audio file, Instructor Kyle Batiste outlines what you get and what you can expect from this course. Keep in mind it is $26 and has tremendous value. One could spend a lifetime merely practicing what one gets from Qigong […]
Ma Qigong Video
Instructor Kyle Batiste has sent us a brief audio overview of the Ma-Qigong course. Great information is shared in this video.
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Qigong Videos Page
We’re still hard at work trying to make available as much information as we can and as easy to navigate as possible. Check out our new Qigong video page.
Chi Kung Q&A with Sifu Dan Ferrera Vol 1.3
Our next installment of our Chi Kung Q&A with Sifu Dan Ferrera is now available. In this interview he answers the following questions: What are the effects of practicing Qigong? Does one gain “special powers” by practicing Qigong? Is Qigong medical or spiritual? Is Qigong religious?
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