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Tai Chi Ruler Bonus Exercise Video
The interest in our Tai Chi Ruler Courses seems to continue to grow. As the web developer on DevelopYourEnergy.net I have been doing the Tai Chi Ruler practice somewhat regularly for a little over a month now. I am pleased and intrigued at how effective it is in cultivating energy. I see how it is […]
Ma Qigong Video Added
The Ma Roller is a great object to help you cultivate energy and also use as a healing instrument. The Ma Qigong course has been very popular and we have added exclusive password protected video to add to this course. The video below is a sample. Ma Qigong Course
Get 10% off ALL COURSES!
We need help in getting the word out there. DevelopYourEnergy.net has a mission to help people tap into their inner power so they may heal themselves, others, and make the universe a better place by enabling them to achieve all their goals. If you’ve looked at any of the videos with Sifu Dan Ferrera or […]
Qigong & The Power of Magentic Fields
Last month we uploaded a video of Sifu Dan Ferrera demonstrating his unique technique for Boading Balls, also known as Chinese Therapy Balls. Through our Facebook Page we received a lot of positive responses and seeking spirits asking for more information. We listened and have made Sifu Dan Ferrera’s “New Look at Human Energy Cultivation“ […]
Dr. Oz 6 Secrets To Live Longer
From the Sept 19th 2011 Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Maoshing said that exercise can stimulate your HGH (Human Growth Hormone). He demonstrated a simple standing exercise to work your thighs to help stimulate your Human Growth Hormone. You simply bend your knees slightly and hold a slight squatting position until you can’t hold that position […]
Baoding Balls & Magnetic Energy
We have updated a new video where Sifu Dan Ferrera demonstrates his unique take on the ancient practice of Baoding Balls, or Chinese Therapy Balls.
Qigong Testimonial – Video
A student sent this into us about his experiences with DevelopYourEnergy.net. Thank you so much. Sleeping better is always a good thing.
Help promote Develop Your Energy – Free Walkthrough
You may have noticed we have updated the look and feel of DevelopYourEnergy.net and we are very excited about where we are going. Sifu Dan Ferrera’s most recent post about “What’s Real?” demonstrates this new and fresh approach to the information we share and offer as exclusive paid downloads. It is our mission to help […]