You may have noticed we have updated the look and feel of and we are very excited about where we are going. Sifu Dan Ferrera’s most recent post about “What’s Real?” demonstrates this new and fresh approach to the information we share and offer as exclusive paid downloads. It is our mission to help […]
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Qigong Testimonial – Tim
We sat down with Tim, a student of Sifu Dan Ferrera for just over a year. He also works on the website. In this sit down interview he talks about some of the benefits he has had through some of the courses on, not to mention being able to train under Sifu Dan’s guidance.
Qigong 101 Information
Our Qigong 101 course is the root and foundation of all our courses available. In this audio file, Instructor Kyle Batiste outlines what you get and what you can expect from this course. Keep in mind it is $26 and has tremendous value. One could spend a lifetime merely practicing what one gets from Qigong […]
Ma Qigong Video
Instructor Kyle Batiste has sent us a brief audio overview of the Ma-Qigong course. Great information is shared in this video.
Qigong Videos Page
We’re still hard at work trying to make available as much information as we can and as easy to navigate as possible. Check out our new Qigong video page.
Healing the Heart Chakra
A couple of news items today… First check our updated links page which is long overdue. Some great resources for further information and growth. We also have a video from the end of last summer where Kyle Batiste, founder of, performs an energy treatment on a man with a blockage in his heart chakra. […]
Qigong Course in Riverside, California on October 30th.
If you live in the inland empire of southern California and want to learn how to develop your energy so you can become an energy healer, become more intuitive, and develop your chi or pranic abilities this is the seminar for you. In this seminar you will learn the first steps to developing your inner […]
Qigong Podcast 1
This is the first podcast we are doing which are discussions with the teachers behind In this interview we talk with Instructor Kyle Batiste about how he got started training in qigong and how the website came to be. He also discusses which courses are best for what circumstances. He also talks about whether […]
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- Qigong Courses
- Qigong
- Sifu Dan Ferrera
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- Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Chi Kung
- Unlock Superhuman Energy: 5 Advanced Qigong Secrets Revealed
- The Full Circle