Leslie Blackburn, friend of Develop Your Energy is offering a retreat to Costa Rica. From Leslie- I wanted to share an announcement with you about an upcoming (April 2012) retreat to Costa Rica that I am leading along with my Love, Dixon (of Dixon’s Violin) and in collaboration with Sacred Sites Journeys! We are so […]
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Synergistic Revitalizing Qigong – 4 exercises for Energy & Alertness
We have uploaded a new Youtube Video -Synergistic Revitalizing Qigong – 4 exercises for Energy & Alertness Sifu Dan Ferrera demonstrates 4 exercises to give you energy and alertness. The first is a Tibetan method known as turtle breathing with a kundalini style form of breathing. The second is a method of stimulating and rubbing […]
Tai Chi Ruler Bonus Exercise Video
The interest in our Tai Chi Ruler Courses seems to continue to grow. As the web developer on DevelopYourEnergy.net I have been doing the Tai Chi Ruler practice somewhat regularly for a little over a month now. I am pleased and intrigued at how effective it is in cultivating energy. I see how it is […]
Kundalini: Hindu chakra system vs Taoist dan ‘tien system – Pt.1 / Tao Semko
Our friends over at Kundalini Awakening Process have posted this video of Tao Semko explaining the differences and similarities between the Hindu Chakra System and the Taoist Dan ‘tien System. It is a very succinct overview with useful information especially as you start to feel Chi in your body and environment. Be sure to investigate […]
Smashan Press
Sifu Dan Ferrera also has other works available at Smashan Press which is the force behind websites like KundaliniAwakeningProcess.com,UmaaTantra.com, Hoshin.us, FreedomPractices.org, ProgressiveSadhana.com, A-CAMLife.com, TaoSemko.com. According to their website- We publish unusual, practical methods for self-development We distribute natural, practical products that increase personal freedom. We work for the benefit of all. As the web developer for DevelopYourEnergy.net I can testify that I came […]
New Course – Ultra Mi Zong Taoist Yoga
Sifu Dan Ferrera has just given us a new course for digital download. Our Ultra Mizong Taoist Yoga course is a unique energy cultivation practice for accumulating, refining and circulating bio-energy for the purpose of health, inner peace and enlightenment. This course is easy to practice and can be completed in 4-months. We use 3 […]