A recent comment from our Shaolin Qigong webpage. I cannot thank you enough Sifu Dan…you are truly an amazing person..I thank you for all the help that you have provided me so far and sincerely appreciate your knowledge and generosity…I have already begun making practical use of this information that you have given me and […]
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Testimonial – from Hogpath (web guy)
I was bugging out. Pretty typical in this world, in this era with credit and media and marriage and kids. The usual things and how to deal. What is it to be a male in America? Male, in the biological sense. The instincts, the urges, the duties, the impulses, the confusion, the norms we’ve been […]
Shaolin Qigong Testimonial
Greetings! I’m writing this to share my experience with what I’ve learned. In 4 weeks practicing the Shaolin QiGong, I’ve had my joint pain and stiffness disappear, slept better, improved digestion and felt my waking energy raise considerably. I also have written music, answered technical questions and had more intuition at the drop of a […]
Another testimonial on Chi Kung
Another testimonial from a woman in her 50s I wanted to share this with you…. I worked a long day on Sunday and then a long day yesterday too (I worked till midnight after class yesterday). When I laid down to go to sleep last night I got one of those neat energy surges – […]
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