Help promote Develop Your Energy – Free Walkthrough

You may have noticed we have updated the look and feel of  and we are very excited about where we are going. Sifu Dan Ferrera’s most recent post about “What’s Real?” demonstrates this new and fresh approach to the information we share and offer as exclusive paid downloads. It is our mission to help our readers and customers to develop THEIR energy so they can achieve health and happiness and, more importantly, the health and happiness of their environment which translates to the entire universe.

In this endeavor we are asking for your help. Yes, we are asking for help to promote our new site so we can gain more viewership and sell more courses, but at the root of this request is the desire to share this information with as many people as possible. It’s a lot to ask and for this we’re offering something in return.

Kyle BatistePost a tweet with a mention of @Energy_Student and receive the password via email for the post where Instructor Kyle Batiste walks through the Inner Smile and the Light Body Suit. We’ll be tracking the @Energy_Student tweets and should be able to send to you via email.

But also post something on Facebook or Google+ and take a screenshot. Email it to us at and we’ll send you the password as well.

Thank you so much for your patronage and viewership as well as the opportunity to share this knowledge with you.

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